This a grouper, called "mero" in catalan. I like this fish because is different. If you approach, it goes away. They are very beautiful. They live under the rocks, and eat little fish and crustacean. It lives in groups, sometimes is shy, but it loves being underwater, LIKE ME.
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009
I love diving. I dive since i was 13. I like it because it's very peaceful, and it makes me relax and disconect from the day to day life. Under the water you don't listen anything, and all you can see is beauteful. My first dive was terrible. I felt a very intense pain in my ears during the next two days, and the 3 or 4 next times i felt the same pain. But one day, i was diving without it. That day was the first that i beggin to enjoy diving. It was one of my favourite days of my life.
Back in black / Torno de negre I hit the sack / Me n’he anat al llit I’ve been too long I’m glad to be back/ He trigat. m’alegro d’haver tornat Yes, I’m let loose / M’he alliberat From the noose / de la soga That’s kept me hanging about / Que m’aguantava I’ve been looking at the sky / He estat mirant al cel ‘Cause it’s gettin’ me high / Perquè m’esta alçant Forget the hearse ’cause I never die / Oblidat de la mort perquè mai moriré I got nine lives / Tinc nou vides Cat’s eyes / ulls de gat Abusin’ every one of them and running wild / Abuso de totes i campo lliure CHORUS:
‘Cause I’m back / perquè he tornat Yes, I’m back / si, he tornat Well, I’m back / bueno, he tornat Yes, I’m back / si, he tornat Well, I’m back, back / bueno, he tornat, tornat (Well) I’m back in black / (bueno) he tornat de negre Yes, I’m back in black /si, he tornat de negre
Back in the back /Torno al derrere Of a Cadillac /De un Cadillac Number one with a bullet,/ Sóc el millor dels millors
I’m a power pack / Sóc una font d’energia Yes, I’m in a bang / Estic en una orgia With a gang / Amb una panda hey’ve got to catch me if they want me to hang / Han de agafar-me si em volen penjar Cause I’m back on the track / Perquè he tornat a posar-me en marxa And I’m beatin’ the flack / I estic per sobre de les crítiques Nobody’s gonna get me on another rap / Ningú em tornarà a criticar So look at me now / Així que preste’m atenció I’m just makin’ my play / Vaig a per totes Don’t try to push your luck,/No temptis a la sort
The story happens in a gothic neighborhood of Barcelona. It was raining, in the night the only beam of light were the wall lamps.
There was a boy, he had just woken up and he didn’t feel or remember nothing about the last night.. He was at the street, with the only company of the bats and the night. When he was walking through the street, he saw something strange, there was a man, sat down at the sidewalk. He tried to ask where were them, but the man didn’t answer him. He tried, and tried, shouted, but nothing but when he was going to touch him, he went beyond him without touch him. The boy was very scared and he ran away desperately.
When he was so tired that he couldn’t move, he stopped to think.
-It must be a ghost- He thinked, but he saw a dark house and he decided to enter. In the house the boy saw a lot of fingers hanged by a rope. In the shelf there were some skulls, an when he was under the door a women entered, the women had white hear, long nose and a lot of wrinkles. She went beyond him, and he understood: he saw ghosts.
The boy tried to find someone who could see the ghosts too, but everybody he asked ignored him.
Passing the days, he felt that he never was hungry, and when he saw two ghosts talking like if they were alive he put two and two together and understood all.
The ghosts that he saw weren’t undead, they where the normal person and he was a ghost. It was the cause that the people ignore him.
It’s only an history but the people says that he is in Barcelona searching people like him.
4. What do we celebrate on the 9th November 2009? The Berlin's wall destruction.
5.What is the present situation of this wall? It is destroyed.
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, physically or mentally? Physically the Xina wall very popular and long, the school wall separates and locks up us.
Mentally the most important wall I think is the church, because it has been with the stronger, without being polliticaly correct.