dijous, 4 de març del 2010
The mooN
I like the night, but i love to look at the sky, and see the moon. Shining, lightes all the night. Sometimes it's comparable with the people, because there is people that only with the presence makes you feel good and you like being with them. I love my moon!

My Barcelona friends
Now i'm going to write about my Barcelona friends.

In this picture, me and my friens were in Olot. We went there to see the volcanos. At that moment, we had already had lunch, and we were walking.
They will go to Italy too, but one week after than us. When we will arrive the "setmana santa" will start, and i will have 16 years in 28 of march, and i will be able to enter to some discos :D I want to go there!

In this picture, me and my friens were in Olot. We went there to see the volcanos. At that moment, we had already had lunch, and we were walking.
They will go to Italy too, but one week after than us. When we will arrive the "setmana santa" will start, and i will have 16 years in 28 of march, and i will be able to enter to some discos :D I want to go there!
My favourite song
Do you believe in the love between a song and a man?
I think that I love this song more than other things and some persons.
What You Get
Junior Caldera
Standing on shoulders hoping to find what never existed/mantenint-te al les espatlles esperant trobar el que mai va existir
You know it ain’t easy stumbling blind/saps que no serà facil entrabancar-te cec
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
You took all your dreams and shot them to space/vas agafar tots els teus somnis i els vas disparar a l'espai
You believed good would come of it/vas creure que el bé vindria d'això
Yet so unspecific and you fell on your face/ però tan inespecífic i et vs caure a la teva cara
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
You carry the wounded and heal the infected/vas carregar al ferit i vas curar a l'infectat
in hopes of healing your own/esperant curar-te a tu mateix
It’s so unexpected when we all die alone/és tant inesperat quan morim sols
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s how you’re measured/és com estàs mesurat
It’s all your pain mixed with so much pleasure/és com el dolor combinat amb molt plaer
It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s all you’ve ever wanted/és tot el que sempre has volgut
It’s all you’ve dreamed and somehow forgotten/és tot el que havies somiat i que algu havia oblidat
It’s what you get, your truth and your lies/és el que obtens, la teva veritat i la teva mentida
It’s all you believe and all you deny/ és tot en el que tu creus i que no acceptes
It’s all you set free and all you enslave/és tot el que t'alliberarà i t'esclavitzarà
Remember your dreams are never thrown away/ recorda que els teus somnis mai seràn inalcançables
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
I think that I love this song more than other things and some persons.
What You Get
Junior Caldera
Standing on shoulders hoping to find what never existed/mantenint-te al les espatlles esperant trobar el que mai va existir
You know it ain’t easy stumbling blind/saps que no serà facil entrabancar-te cec
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
You took all your dreams and shot them to space/vas agafar tots els teus somnis i els vas disparar a l'espai
You believed good would come of it/vas creure que el bé vindria d'això
Yet so unspecific and you fell on your face/ però tan inespecífic i et vs caure a la teva cara
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
You carry the wounded and heal the infected/vas carregar al ferit i vas curar a l'infectat
in hopes of healing your own/esperant curar-te a tu mateix
It’s so unexpected when we all die alone/és tant inesperat quan morim sols
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s how you’re measured/és com estàs mesurat
It’s all your pain mixed with so much pleasure/és com el dolor combinat amb molt plaer
It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s all you’ve ever wanted/és tot el que sempre has volgut
It’s all you’ve dreamed and somehow forgotten/és tot el que havies somiat i que algu havia oblidat
It’s what you get, your truth and your lies/és el que obtens, la teva veritat i la teva mentida
It’s all you believe and all you deny/ és tot en el que tu creus i que no acceptes
It’s all you set free and all you enslave/és tot el que t'alliberarà i t'esclavitzarà
Remember your dreams are never thrown away/ recorda que els teus somnis mai seràn inalcançables
Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé
Natalias's birthday
One Saturday, was natalia's birthday, and we went to a japanese restaurant. It was a self service, and we ate more than 250 plates. We were divided in two tables, and we make a competition to see wich of the two tables eat more plates. Here there is a photo of the plate tower of our table, before the japanese guy picked up them, it's the PISA TOWER 2!!

This is my and Paula's surprise face xDD

This is my and Paula's surprise face xDD
Conversations with Guillermo
Sometimes we speak in english (we do what we can xD) at the messenger.
Here you have one conversation that we have done tonight
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*what's your blog name?
Guille dice:
*is guillermomateos14...
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*no, the name of the blog
*because i have to copy the shakespeare task and past it on my blog
Guille dice:
*a ok
*is guillermomateos14.blogspot.com
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*it's pasted
*how are you?
Guille dice:
*I'm fine and you?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*fine too
*doing the blog xD
Guille dice:
*xd Me too
*one thing
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*tell me
Guille dice:
*How is hivern in english?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Guille dice:
*jaja ok, thanks
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*we are so silly,
*allways doing al at the last moment
*the next term we will do the blog a lot of time before the end of the term, ok?
Guille dice:
*jaja okey
*tomorrow we'll have exam of Phisicall education?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*it's true
*well, it will be easy
*but in this high school the physycal education is so diferent, here if you have a bad day or you fail one time the thing that Descamps ask you for to do you take a very bad mark
*and the teoric exams are too long
Guille dice:
*yes it's true and I don't know play volley, It's more difficult that I thought
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*when i play with my friends at the beach
*there isn't all that rules
Guille dice:
*yes and it's more funny
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Guille dice:
*well, I have to left to do the blog,
*bye pablo
*see you tomorrow
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Here you have one conversation that we have done tonight
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*what's your blog name?
Guille dice:
*is guillermomateos14...
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*no, the name of the blog
*because i have to copy the shakespeare task and past it on my blog
Guille dice:
*a ok
*is guillermomateos14.blogspot.com
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*it's pasted
*how are you?
Guille dice:
*I'm fine and you?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*fine too
*doing the blog xD
Guille dice:
*xd Me too
*one thing
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*tell me
Guille dice:
*How is hivern in english?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Guille dice:
*jaja ok, thanks
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*we are so silly,
*allways doing al at the last moment
*the next term we will do the blog a lot of time before the end of the term, ok?
Guille dice:
*jaja okey
*tomorrow we'll have exam of Phisicall education?
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*it's true
*well, it will be easy
*but in this high school the physycal education is so diferent, here if you have a bad day or you fail one time the thing that Descamps ask you for to do you take a very bad mark
*and the teoric exams are too long
Guille dice:
*yes it's true and I don't know play volley, It's more difficult that I thought
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
*when i play with my friends at the beach
*there isn't all that rules
Guille dice:
*yes and it's more funny
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Guille dice:
*well, I have to left to do the blog,
*bye pablo
*see you tomorrow
Pablo carnaval(L) (S)(L) dice:
Going to Italy
Today we have spoken about the travel that we are goingo to do in 3 weeks to Italy, about the things that we can and we can't bring, the weight of the suitcases etc...
I'm so impatient, becaus i want to go there with the friends. We have all organised: First of all, on Sunday there is a concert, and we have to be at the school at 3:30 AM. We will go to the concert until 2:30 or 3:00, and then we all go to the school to check the cases, the papers, pick up the bus, go to the airport, and we will be in ITALY!
In al this days we will visit:



Vatican city

I'm so impatient, becaus i want to go there with the friends. We have all organised: First of all, on Sunday there is a concert, and we have to be at the school at 3:30 AM. We will go to the concert until 2:30 or 3:00, and then we all go to the school to check the cases, the papers, pick up the bus, go to the airport, and we will be in ITALY!
In al this days we will visit:



Vatican city

William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's life
-When was he born? Find a photo of him
In April of 1564.

Where was he born? Include a map with the place
In Stratford-upon-Avon
What was his family?
John Shakespeare was a wool comerciant , lead and gloves.
Who was his wife? Include her photo
-Anne Hathaway

Did he have children?
Yes, three children
How old was he when he died?
52 years old.
Shakespeare's time
Who was the Queen and King during Shakespeare's life? Include photos
Isabel I

Eduard VI of England

What country was a great rival of England during this time?
What happened with the Spanish Armada?
Was controled by Duque of Medina Sidonia, he wanted to overthrow Isabel II.
Why was the Elisabethan era described as golden?
Because England lived a periode of a big desenvolupated economy and culture
Shakespeare's career
How many plays did he write?
Thirty eight
How many poems did he write?
Find the title in English and Catalan/Spanish of one comedy, one tragedy and one poem.
Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet/Romeo y Julieta
Comedy: As you like it/ Como a ti te guste.
Poem: Venus and Adonis/Venus y Adonis.
What is the Globe? Find a picture
The theatre where Shakespeare did his plays.

Where is the Globe? Find and copy a map of its location
In London,Westminster,W1J7, United Kingdom.
What plays are performed in the Globe this month?
Kings & Rogues (23th April - 3th October 2010).
When was the Globe first built?
How long did Shakespeare work there in the Globe?
He worked since 1599 to 1613, 14 years.
What was the name of his theatre company?
Lord Chamberlain's Men.
What happened to the Globe in 1644?
The thatre was closed.
Who built the Globe again and when?
Peter Street, a Master Carpenter of the City of London. In 1997
Shakespeare's fame
His words are used today around the world.
How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language?
In which play did he say "To be or not to be. That is the question"?
Look for another famous word/quotation invented by Shakespeare and translate it into Catalan/Spanish
The world's a stage, and all men and women are merely players
El mundo es un escenario, y todos los hombres y mujeres son meros actores
Who died on the same day as Shakespeare?
Miguel de Cervantes.
What was Shakespeare's nick?
Bard of Avon
How many films have been adapted from his work?
Ten films.
-When was he born? Find a photo of him
In April of 1564.

Where was he born? Include a map with the place
In Stratford-upon-Avon
What was his family?
John Shakespeare was a wool comerciant , lead and gloves.
Who was his wife? Include her photo
-Anne Hathaway

Did he have children?
Yes, three children
How old was he when he died?
52 years old.
Shakespeare's time
Who was the Queen and King during Shakespeare's life? Include photos
Isabel I

Eduard VI of England

What country was a great rival of England during this time?
What happened with the Spanish Armada?
Was controled by Duque of Medina Sidonia, he wanted to overthrow Isabel II.
Why was the Elisabethan era described as golden?
Because England lived a periode of a big desenvolupated economy and culture
Shakespeare's career
How many plays did he write?
Thirty eight
How many poems did he write?
Find the title in English and Catalan/Spanish of one comedy, one tragedy and one poem.
Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet/Romeo y Julieta
Comedy: As you like it/ Como a ti te guste.
Poem: Venus and Adonis/Venus y Adonis.
What is the Globe? Find a picture
The theatre where Shakespeare did his plays.

Where is the Globe? Find and copy a map of its location
In London,Westminster,W1J7, United Kingdom.
What plays are performed in the Globe this month?
Kings & Rogues (23th April - 3th October 2010).
When was the Globe first built?
How long did Shakespeare work there in the Globe?
He worked since 1599 to 1613, 14 years.
What was the name of his theatre company?
Lord Chamberlain's Men.
What happened to the Globe in 1644?
The thatre was closed.
Who built the Globe again and when?
Peter Street, a Master Carpenter of the City of London. In 1997
Shakespeare's fame
His words are used today around the world.
How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language?
In which play did he say "To be or not to be. That is the question"?
Look for another famous word/quotation invented by Shakespeare and translate it into Catalan/Spanish
The world's a stage, and all men and women are merely players
El mundo es un escenario, y todos los hombres y mujeres son meros actores
Who died on the same day as Shakespeare?
Miguel de Cervantes.
What was Shakespeare's nick?
Bard of Avon
How many films have been adapted from his work?
Ten films.
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