divendres, 21 de maig del 2010

4th Eso, new school, new house, new friends

One day my fathers told me that they hado bought a house in Ampuriabrava and a shop to try to pay the house. That summer they told me that i had to stay in Ampuriabrava all the summer, and i passed my worse summer of my live. Then i started de new curse, and in the 28th of March, my birthday, they told me that we were going to move to Ampuria definetly. And i cried and cried.
On my first day of school, in IES Castello d'Ampúries i was very scared, bu i sat with Natalia Sellés and Victor Sarria. I laught a lot with them. Then i met Guillermo Sohap and Fei Fan. Then i started to meet people: Olicer Guillem, Maria, Mireia, Aleix, Emma, Clara and all the other. I think that this course has been one of the best in my life. I have had fun during all the year.

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